
Showing posts from December, 2014

How the HIMYM Finale Could Have Worked Better

Originally posted to after the "How I Met Your Mother" series finale A few weeks ago, after we watched “Vesuivius,” my boyfriend and I had a debate about whether or not they’d kill the Mother. He thought they were just jerking us around. I firmly believed that the Mother was toast. In the depths of my rage and grief, I had a thought. “The Mother is dead, and Ted is telling his kids the story because he’s about to get with Robin.” My boyfriend shook his head. “No way. That’s the worst thing they could possibly do.” Welp. I’ve been a rabid, obsessed fan of How I Met Your Mother since I discovered it five years ago. Year after year, even after the quality started to decline, I defended the show. That was in large part because, every time I would start to worry about where it all was going, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas would pull out some amazing episode, some phenomenal plot development, and my faith in their storytelling abilities would be restored. T